And Breathe......
The piece is a concept artwork created by Stip & Raj that allows you to connect with your inner self, a moment to pause and self-reflect. These films encourage you to focus your energy on your breathing and thoughts meditatively.
The visual concept inspires us to increase our sense of clarity, encouraging us to achieve a balanced state of mind, controlling, calming and bringing emotional stability and self-control. It invites you to revisit your body, mind and soul.
In these frantic and uncertain times we are living, a call out to the urgent need to calm down and not surrender to the suffocating looping of modern life.
Through a hard surface becoming a fusion element, we want to train attention and awareness to achieve mental clarity. Physical pain and emotional stressors can fade away for a while and create a calm environment to focus on letting go of distracting thoughts. The mechanism of focusing on slowing down your breathing can trigger feelings of powerful relaxation and focus on your inner self.
We aimed to push the technical side of this project by using the unique skilled hand-drawn illustrations from Stip and implementing this into Houdini, which allowed us to create generative simulations by basing the movements on the patterns themself!
We then used these 3D images and fed them into an AI-based tool DALL-E to see what AI would create using our calming imagery. A truly experimental piece which can be pushed in multiple directions.
Creative Direction: Raj Davsi & Stip
3d Artist : Raj Davsi
2d Artist: Stip
Music Producer: Roger Lima / White Noise Lab




AI-based tool DALL-E output