With the NBA and NFL, there is a certain amount of cultural cool that the NHL has but hasn't displayed as effectively yet. To remedy that, NHL in collaboration with Adidas created 3 clothing lines with 3 elite athletes in the NBA and NFL that is NHL 2020 hockey-themed, conceptually as fans but tied to their individual accolades as athletes. Confused yet?
This is where design and animation really helped solve this campaign in a cool and effective way. Showing off the cool streetwear-inspired designs of each athlete, the story behind each one, the athletes themselves and of course the NHL our story for each and all of them together was simple.
The athletes dressed in the clothes they designed, use their signature athletic prowess whether it is speed, fancy moves, or killer jump shots to race and crash land into an NHL 2020 rink as the ultimate fan. Illustration and animation were the perfect technique to get them to do that in a larger than life way that showed off both the clothes, their likeliness and their killer moves to get us there.
Agency: EA
Studio : Laundry
Role: Designer, Illustrator.
Featured in AIGA Member Gallery, Motion Graphics Behance Gallery